Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Breaking the cycle

I am on day three of not drinking.

Normally on a Wednesday my husband is out with his running group and so I treat myself to a bottle of wine for company.  I always tell myself I will drink just one large glass and save the rest.  That, of course, never happens.

And the following morning I wake up feeling groggy, foggy and dehydrated and I am pretty useless for the rest of the day.  I eat way too many crisps and junk food, and then feel so crap about myself I drink more wine that evening.  And so the cycle continues.

As I drove home from my son's karate lesson this evening the thought of stopping off at Tesco did cross my mind, but only very fleetingly.

Tonight I have had some toast and jam, a cup of hot chocolate and am now in bed with a hot water bottle and deciding what to watch on Netflix.  No desire for wine I am pleased to report.

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