- Secretly drinking from friends' glasses while they were out of the room
- Dinner party with parents from my children's new school
- Hangovers from hell
- My dad's fireworks party
- Looking bloated, red and puffy with blood shot eyes
- Throwing up and clogging up the sink
- Driving home
- Wine- stained lips and tongue
- Banging headaches
- Upsetting my children
- Feeling remorseful, paranoid, guilty and full of self-loathing
- Wondering what I said or did
- Eating junk food
- Wetting the bed
- Making a complete tit of myself
- Not remembering anything
- Keeping bad company
- Drinking all my father-in-law's Tia Maria
- Chain smoking
- Lying
- Losing my self-respect
- Popping too many painkillers
- Almost killing myself on a wine glass
- Being boring and terrible company
- Getting in a car with a total stranger
- Drinking a bottle of wine before going to a party
- Being horrible to my husband
- Feeling like I've let everyone down
I can't quite believe this list (which could probably go on and on). I have been in denial for so long, always labelling myself as a harmless 'social drinker'.
I have just found your blog through twitter and I couldn't leave without saying well done! I hope you are proud of yourself (and I hope that doesn't sound patronising) x